
Top 5 benefits of using softphones

With remote work becoming crucial to business survival, it's more important than ever for companies to have a reliable communication system. One option is to issue company phones to remote workers so they can communicate with clients and colleagues. But the ideal solution for most businesses is to use phone apps or softphones, and here are five reasons why.

Maintain your WordPress website with these 6 easy steps

Maintaining your WordPress website is essential to ensuring that it runs smoothly and stays secure. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t know how to do this themselves. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the six most essential tasks that you should be performing on a regular basis.

Turn off these Windows 11 settings to protect your privacy

Windows 11 helps users by giving useful suggestions as they type and by displaying ads based on their online searches. But these can feel invasive, especially if you don’t want anyone prying into your online activity. To ensure your privacy and keep Microsoft’s watchful eye off your computer activity, follow these tips.

Should your small business use laptops or desktops?

If you’re buying computers for your startup or upgrading your small business’s existing machines, you need to decide whether laptops or desktops are right for your needs. To help you choose, consider these five factors.
The COVID-19 pandemic has driven most businesses to adopt remote work and hybrid work setups.

Here’s how to benefit from VoIP’s on-hold messages

For many customers, being put on hold in a call can be annoying. Some may even get frustrated and just hang up. Instead of keeping your business’s callers waiting without anything to do, why not have them listen to useful information that keeps them engaged? With a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system, doing this is pretty simple.