10 Tools to help you get ahead in social media

Social media marketing can be time consuming. You may spend hours upon hours trying to get it right and still see little growth in your followers. So what can you do to be more effective and save time in the process? Here are ten tools that can streamline your social media efforts and even offer guidance.

How to gain business value from LinkedIn

While there is a lot of information out there about how to gain value from LinkedIn, most of it is aimed at large companies or individuals. Some of this information can be useful, but some of it can cause you to make mistakes that present your business in the wrong light.

Why Line Is the App of Choice in Iran

It’s possible you take your access to Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms for granted. Maybe you’ve never thought about what a world without news feeds and constant updates and selfies from your friends and acquaintances is like. While there are moments when we’re all fed up of so-and-so’s latest attention-seeking Facebook status or their endless stream of glamorous vacation photos, the stark reality is, if our social media platforms were suddenly taken away from us, many of us would be at a loss.