
Presenting Google Drive’s PDF management features

These days, cloud services such as Google Drive are gaining prominence as more teams rely on them to accomplish business goals with increased cost savings and productivity. But for some reason, Google Drive's PDF-handling features have gone underappreciated, despite PDFs being a mainstay in workstations and offices for quite some time now.

Cloud-based ERP and its benefits

Using the cloud is so common these days that most small- to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) have at least one cloud service supporting their operations. An increasingly popular cloud-based service is enterprise resource planning (ERP). But what is it? And what are the advantages of using a cloud-based ERP? Here’s a quick and informative overview.

Windows 10 May 2019 Update’s best features

The Windows 10 May 2019 Update is now available for download, and it brings a wealth of new features, tools, and apps that will help you and your team be more productive and efficient, as well as give you a better user experience. Read on to find out about Windows 10’s best new features.

5 Tips for protecting corporate data

A data breach can happen to anyone, even to the most secure businesses or financial institutions — and cybercriminals could even attack your company’s network. How can you be sure your network is completely hacker-safe? As a business owner, you can’t afford a data breach, as it could cost you your clients and reputation.

Android tablet pointers for the best sleep

If you want to run your business effectively, you need enough rest. This lets you focus, make better educated business decisions, communicate well with vendors and colleagues, and get things done properly. While your Android tablet is a helpful tool to help you accomplish some work-related tasks, it may also be disrupting your sleep.

Lower hospital readmissions through big data

The medical industry is teeming with data. Patients that receive care, for example, have hundreds of data points associated with their medical history. But how is this data being handled? In most cases, not carefully enough. By adopting one of business’s more popular technology solutions, your medical facility could save money and improve patient care so much as to lower readmission rates.