4 Facts about HIPAA and your IT

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations pertaining to IT have become much clearer over the course of the past few years, but there are still a few areas in which your office might not be compliant. This isn’t necessarily because of negligence on your part, but rather a lack of understanding of the requirements.

How is technology transforming healthcare?

Are you afraid that robots will replace healthcare professionals? Scared that a newly created drug will stir a new kind of addiction, or a genetic test will predict when you'll die? While a future ruled by technological advancements may seem daunting, innovations — especially those pertaining to health and medicine — are always meant to make our lives better.

3 Ways AI is changing the healthcare sector

Technology plays an important role in streamlining business processes. Artificial intelligence (AI), for example, is making huge strides in the healthcare industry, not only helping medical professionals better care for their patients, but also giving people proactive means of managing their health and lifestyle.

4 Ways EMRs assist in medical operations

Electronic medical records (EMR) digitize your paper medical records and, when properly implemented, can generate a positive return on investment and improve organizational efficiency. The major drawbacks of paperwork are that it hinders a healthcare institution’s ability to treat patients, makes medical operations slower, and decreases overall efficiency.

Why hospitals need managed IT services

Healthcare trends point towards heavy reliance on tech such as telemedicine, mobile health solutions, surgical robotics, and most significantly, constantly evolving data management practices. Because of this, managed services providers (MSPs) are a valuable commodity.

Why healthcare needs cloud computing

If the primary focus of your healthcare practice is delivering high-quality patient care, then cloud computing is an essential tool for you. It is more reliable, convenient, and secure than offline solutions, which means it should be a top priority.
Easy information access
The increasing demand for doctors’ time means they have less time to review patient records.